you're invited...

4 - 6 August in the Blue Mountains

We are excited to retreat together this August in the Blue Mountains!

Come away with us for a weekend of worship, teaching and prayer ministry. We are excited to have the opportunity to soak up God’s beautiful creation with bush walks, campfires and to spend time receiving from Him.

We will be focusing on the person and work of the Holy Spirit. We are looking forward to opening the Bible and growing in our relationship with the Holy Spirit as He leads us into becoming more like Jesus.

Open to anyone 18+


program overview

friday. We’ll kick off the retreat with dinner before heading into our first session of worship, a reflection and prayer min. Followed by bonfires and vibes.
saturday. A full day where we will share in worship, short reflections, guided quiet times, free time, adventures, food and of course sweet fellowship. 
sunday. Solid brekkie, more worship, reflections, quiet times and communion all finishing up before lunch. You can spend the afternoon exploring the mountains or heading back home to get your washing done for the week.


If you're sleeping on site, you will have a bed allocated to you along with a group of fantastic guys or gals! Gals in gals rooms and guys in guys rooms. You know the drill.


All meals will be provided. Our retreat mums + dads will be cooking some delish home-cooked meals! For those that are asking the coffee question, no doubt, there will be real coffee provided brought to you by some legendary baristas.


"Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." Galatians 5:25
In Soul Survivor this year, we are teaching on the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Over the retreat we will enjoy the Blue Mountains as a beautiful place to rest, reflect and enjoy taking steps with the Spirit to become more like Jesus. We are looking forward to opening God’s Word to remind and refresh ourselves with the Holy Spirit, our guide and advocate. Join us!


The wonderful Steve Bernard is going to be sharing with us over the weekend of Retreat. Steve is a Pastor at Gordon Baptist Church, he is on the Soul Survivor Board and he was the speaker of our Young Adults Retreat in 2017. Steve is married to Claire and they have three boys. He loves soccer, coffee and has heaps of passion and knowledge about the Word to bring to Retreat.


Rego is now closed, but please contact us with any questions!